Survey Design
Anyone can design a survey… right?
The implementation of online surveys has never been easier. Anyone can create an online survey using existing tools but often the result is bad surveys cluttering the Internet and not answering the questions you need answered.
We can help
At Good Fit Data we have years of experience designing and implementing surveys. We work with you to design the optimal survey for your needs. We plan and discuss with you the working of questions, potential response categories, and ensure the reliability and validity of questions.
Ask the right questions
The questions we are asked influence how we answer. We use the most reliable and valid questions so you get the best possible answers to your questions.Work with us
Work with us to design custom questions for your target audience. Even if you can launch the survey using Fluid Surveys or other tools, we can help you with question design.Test your questions
We design and test response scales to ensure you get the best answers. Working with you to ensure you get the most useful answers to your questions.